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dc.contributor.advisorAdawiyah, Dede Robiatul
dc.contributor.authorJannah, Azharul
dc.description.abstractMadu Trigona sp. memiliki kadar air yang tinggi, karakteristik ini membuat madu Trigona sp. mudah rusak dan terfermentasi. PT. Asta Berkarya Farm menggunakan metode pasteurisasi dan hot filling untuk meningkatkan mutu madu Trigona sp.. Pemanasan pada madu dapat memengaruhi sifat fisikokimia dan sifat fungsionalnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh penerapan proses termal pada madu Trigona sp. sehingga dapat diketahui efektivitas metode termal yang digunakan. Analisis yang dilakukan yaitu uji fisikokimia (uji kadar air, viskositas, keasaman, padatan total, analisis warna, total fenol, dan kadar vitamin C), serta uji sifat fungsional (uji aktivitas antioksidan dan aktivitas enzim diastase). Hasil paired sample T-test pada uji kadar air, keasaman, padatan total, dan viskositas berbeda nyata (p<0,05). Madu Trigona sp. dengan proses termal memiliki kadar air (22,90 %bb), keasaman (292,27 mL N NaOH/kg), dan IC 50 (12,6492 mg/mL) lebih kecil dibandingkan madu Trigona sp. tanpa proses termal (kadar air (29,87 %bb), kadar keasaman(360,17 mL N NaOH/kg), dan IC 50 (31,4373 mg/mL)). Sedangkan nilai viskositas (100,58 mPa.s), pH (3,19), total padatan (75,53 %brix), total fenol (0,1451 mg GAE/g) dan kadar vitamin C (68,6225 mg/100mL) madu Trigona sp. dengan proses termal lebih tinggi dibandingkan madu Trigona sp. tanpa proses termal (Viskositas (64,38 mPa.s), pH (3,06), total padatan (72,13 %brix), total fenol (0,1149 mg GAE/g) dan kadar vitamin C (31,5662 mg/100mL)). Aktivitas enzim diastase dari kedua sampel adalah 0 DN. Analisis warna madu Trigona sp. tanpa dan dengan proses termal menunjukkan hasil warna berbeda sangat kontras dengan nilai AE 33,60 (AE > 12). Metode pemanasan PT. Asta Berkarya Farm dinilai sudah
dc.description.abstractTrigona sp. honey has a high water content, this characteristic makes Trigona sp. honey easily damaged and fermented. PT Asta Berkarya Farm uses pasteurisation and hot filling methods to improve the quality of Trigona sp. honey. Heating honey can affect its physicochemical properties and functional properties. The purpose of this research is to see the effect of thermal process on Trigona sp. honey so that the effectiveness of the thermal method used can be known. The analysis carried out was physicochemical tests (water content, viscosity, acidity, total solids, colour analysis, total phenols, and vitamin C content), as well as functional properties tests (antioxidant activity and diastase enzyme activity). The paired sample T-test results in the tests of water content, acidity, total solids, and viscosity significantly different (p<0.05). Trigona sp. honey with thermal process has water content (22.90 %bb), acidity (292.27 mL N NaOH/kg), and IC 50 (12.6492 mg/mL) smaller than Trigona sp. honey without thermal process (water content (29.87 %bb), acidity (360.17 mL N NaOH/kg), and IC 50 (31.4373 mg/mL)). While the value of viscosity (100,58 mPa.s), pH (3,19), total solids (75.53 %brix), total phenols (0.1451 mg GAE/g) and vitamin C content (68.6225 mg/100mL) Trigona sp. honey with thermal process is higher than Trigona sp. honey without thermal process. with thermal processing was higher than Trigona sp. honey without thermal processing (Viscosity (64,38 mPa.s), pH (3,06), total solids (72.13 %brix), total phenols (0.1149 mg GAE/g) and vitamin C content (31.5662) mg/100mL)). The diastase enzyme activity of both samples was 0 DN. Colour analysis of Trigona sp. honey without and with thermal processing showed very contrasting colour results with an AE value of 33.60 (AE > 12). The heating method of PT Asta Berkarya Farm is considered
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Penerapan Proses Termal terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia dan Sifat Fungsional Madu Trigona
dc.title.alternativeEffect of Thermal Process Application on Physicochemical Properties and Functional Properties of Trigona sp. Honeyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordrigona sp. honeyid
dc.subject.keywordphysicochemical propertiesid
dc.subject.keywordfunctional propertiesid

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