Analisis Keanekaragaman Isolat Pleurotus spp. Liar dan Domestik Berdasar Sifat Morfologi, Fisiologi dan Molekuler
Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) are edible mushroom with high diversity. Cultivated oyster isolates in Indonesia are from local isolates as well as from outside Indonesia. Report on their genetic diversity based on characteristic of morphological and physiological are still scare found in Indonesia, even analytic based on molecular characteristic is never report in Indonesia. This study was aimed to identify several kind of wild and domestic isolates of oyster mushrooms based on morphological, physiological, genetic, and molecular characteristic.
The result indicated that there were two groups of isolates based on morphological characteristic of a fruiting body, A group and B group. A group was consisted ofHHB247 isolate (pink color) and nine isolates (white and brown color) grouped on B which then divided into two groups B1 and B2_ This B1 divided into two groups C1 and C2. C1 included only one isolate that was HHB215 isolate (brown color ) and C2 include one white color isolate (sp2) and one brown color isolate (sp6). B2 divided two groups D1 and D2, D1 included two white color isolates (sp3, sp5) and one brown color isolate (HHB328). D2 included three white color isolates (HHB327, sp4 and spl). Based on morphological characteristic the, ten of oyster mushroom isolates can not be in groups related to the color of fruiting bodies.
The result indicated that there were two groups of isolates based on physiological characteristic, A group and B group. A group was consisted of HHB247 isolate (pink color) and nine isolates (white and brown color) grouped
on B which then divided into two groups B1 and B2. B1 included only one isolate that was sp6 isolate (brown color). B2 divided two groups Cl and C2. Cl included two brown color isolates (HHB215, HHB328), C2 divided two groups Dl and D2. Dl include five white color isolates (spl, sp2, sp3, sp4, and sp5), D2 included only one isolate that was HHB327 isolate (white color). Based on physiological characteristic, ten of oyster mushroom isolates can be in groups related to the color.
The frequency of mating between single spores of intra isolates (similar color of fruiting bodies) was highly (60% - 74%), but the frequency of mating between inter isolates was O %. Molecular analysis on Pleurotus spp. and Lentinus isolates was done using RAPD molecular marker with five primers (RP-2, RP-3, Rp-3, RP-4 and RP-6). The result indicated that there were two groups of isolates based on moleculer characteristic, A group and B group. A divided two groups Al and A2. Al included only one isolate that was HHB307 isolate ( the color was not determined), and A2 included six white color isolates (HHB327, Spl, Sp2, Sp3, Sp4, and Sp5) with 100% of similarity index. B divided two groups Bl and B2. Bl included three brown color isolates (HHB32S, HHB215 and sp6) with two last isolates had 100% of similarity index, and B2 included one...dst