Pola Konsumsi Pangan Dan Status Gizi Anak Balita Yang Tinggal Di Daerah Rawan Pangan Di Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah
The most basic need for a human being for its survival is food. Food consumption pattern of under-five children influenced by food consumption pattern of adult. Consumption of food have a relationship with nutritional status of under-five children directly. Under-five children is one of vulnerable groups of nutritional problem. Banjarnegara District was the one of food insecurity area in Indonesia. Household level food insecurity is generally caused by lack of livelihood opportunities and high food prices. At the individual level, aspects like consumption level of food, food taboo, education, etc. can influence the levels of food insecurity. The aim of this study was understand the correlation of food consumption pattern, food taboo and nutritional status of under-five children of household in food insecurity area in Banjarnegara District, Central Java. A cross sectional study design was applied on this study. The locations were purposively selected at two sub districts such as Pejawaran Sub District and Punggelan Sub District, in Banjarnegara District. Sample was chosen with simple random sampling which consists of 300 household with children 2-5 years old. Data collected including : household characteristic, under-five children characteristic, food consumption pattern (level consumption and food frequency consumption), food taboo and nutritional status of under-five children. Descriptive analytic was carried to all variables followed by bivariate test using Spearman correlation. Measurement of household food security in this study used household overall energy intake. In correlated analysis, household characteristic (father educational level, mothers educational level, fathers job, mothers nutritional knowledge, expenditure allocation for food and non food) was significantly positive correlated with under-five children energy and protein consumption. Food taboo have no relationship with energy and protein consumption and nutritional status by any indicators weight/age, height/age and weight/height. Household characteristic was significantly positive correlated with nutritional status by any indicators weight/age, height/age and weight/height but not with energy and protein consumption.
- UT - Nutrition Science [3024]