Evaluasi Pemberian Probiotik Bakteri Asam Laktat Asal Maggot Black Soldier Fly Terhadap Performa dan Profil Darah Ayam Broiler
Al-Affan, Raven Byakta
Wiryawan, I Komang Gede
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Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan probiotik bakteri asam laktat asal maggot BSF terhadap performa dan profil darah ayam broiler. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan, 5 ulangan, setiap ulangan menggunakan 10 ekor. Perlakuan terdiri atas P1= ransum basal (kontrol) + placebo, P2= ransum basal + 106 cfu bakteri asam laktat per gram pakan, P3= ransum basal + 107 cfu bakteri asam laktat per gram pakan. Hasil sidik ragam menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik 106 dan 107 cfu bakteri asam laktat per gram pakan nyata (P<0,05) menurunkan performa fase starter dan jumlah leukosit namun tidak mempengaruhi profil darah dan performa fase grower, finisher, serta selama 28 hari pada ayam broiler. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian probiotik bakteri asam laktat (BAL) asal maggot Black Soldier Fly dengan dosis 106 dan 107 cfu per gram pakan menurunkan performa ayam pada periode starter, tetapi dapat memperbaiki performa ayam pada fase grower, finisher dan selama 28 hari pemeliharaan. This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of the addition of probiotic lactic acid bacteria from BSF maggots on the performance and blood profile of broiler chickens. This study used a Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments, 5 replications, each replication consist of 10 heads. The treatments consisted of P1= basal ration (control) + placebo, P2= basal ration + 106 cfu of lactic acid bacteria per gram of feed, P3= basal ration + 107 cfu of lactic acid bacteria per gram of feed. The results showed that the addition of probiotics at 106 and 107 cfu of lactic acid bacteria per gram of feed decreased (P<0.05) the performance of starter phase broiler chickens and the number of leukosit but did not show a significant difference of the blood cells profile and performance of the grower, finisher, and cumulative for 28 days. The conclusion of this research was that the addition of lactic acid bacteria probiotics from black soldier fly maggots at doses of 106 and 107 cfu per gram of feed decreased performance in the starter period, but it can improve chicken performance at grower, and finisher periods as well as the cumulative performance for 28 days.