Studi In Silico Senyawa Aktif Kulit Kayu Mahoni sebagai Inhibitor RNA-dependent RNA polymerase dan Endoribonuclease SARS-CoV-2 EPI_ISL_467376
Lestari, Riza Puji
Falah, Syamsul
Andrianto, Dimas
Kurniasih, Rini
Show full item recordAbstract
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase dan endoribonuclease merupakan protein
yang berperan dalam replikasi dan transkripsi SARS-CoV-2 penyebab Covid-19.
Kulit kayu mahoni mengandung senyawa golongan polifenol yang memiliki
aktivitas antivirus, antioksidan, dan antimikroba. Hingga saat ini belum ada riset
senyawa aktif kulit kayu mahoni sebagai inhibitor protein RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase dan endoribonuclease. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari
interaksi senyawa aktif kulit kayu mahoni terhadap protein RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase dan endoribonuclease SARS-CoV-2. Penelitian dilakukan secara in
silico dengan teknik penambatan molekuler menggunakan program YASARA.
Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan parameter energi bebas Gibbs, konstanta
disosiasi, dan interaksi residu. Swietemakrofilanin berpotensi dalam menghambat
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase dengan ΔG -4,053 kkal/mol, Kd 1.069 µM, tiga
ikatan hidrogen, enam interaksi hidrofobik. Katekin berpotensi dalam menghambat
endoribonuclease dengan ΔG -1,700 kkal/mol, Kd 56.739 µM, satu interaksi
hidrofobik. Berdasarkan hasil penambatan, kulit kayu mahoni memiliki potensi
sebagai inhibitor RNA dependent RNA polymerase dan endoribonuclease SARS CoV-2. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and endoribonuclease are proteins that
play a role in the replication and transcription of SARS-CoV-2 that causes Covid 19. Mahogany bark contains polyphenolic compounds that have antiviral,
antioxidant, and antimicrobial activity. Until now, there has been no research on the
active compound of mahogany bark as an inhibitor of RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase and endoribonuclease. This study aimed to study the interaction of
active compounds from mahogany bark on RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and
endoribonuclease SARS-CoV-2. The research was conducted in silico with
molecular docking using YASARA program. The results were analyzed using
Gibbs free energy, dissociation constants, and residual interactions parameters.
Swietemacrophylllanin has the potential to inhibit RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase with ΔG -4,053 kcal/mol, Kd 1,069 µM, three hydrogen bonds, six
hydrophobic interactions. Catechin has the potential to inhibit endoribonuclease
with ΔG -1,700 kcal/mol, Kd 56,739 µM, one hydrophobic interaction. Based on
the results, mahogany bark has the potential as an inhibitor of RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase and endoribonuclease SARS-CoV-2.
- UT - Biochemistry [1329]