Analisis Kinerja Rantai Pasok Susu Sapi dengan Supply Chain Operations Reference (Studi Kasus pada Koperasi Peternakan Susu Bandung Utara)
Koperasi Peternakan Sapi Bandung Utara (KPSBU) merupakan salah satu koperasi yang menjual susu sapi perah. Koperasi tersebut perlu meningkatkan kinerja rantai pasok untuk meraih keunggulan bersaing. Tujuan penelitian adalah: (1) Menjelaskan rantai pasok susu sapi di KPSBU, (2) Membuat metriks pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok susu sapi di KPSBU berdasarkan pendekatan Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR), dan (3) Mengukur tingkat kepentingan (bobot) dari metriks kinerja rantai pasok susu sapi dengan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Metode kajian ini ialah analisis statistika deskriptif, perbandingan berpasangan, dan AHP. Metriks pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok susu sapi digunakan atas maksud menentukan bobot metriks kinerja rantai pasok, metriks yang diukur meliputi proses bisnis, parameter kinerja, atribut kerja, dan metriks pengukuran kinerja. Hasil identifikasi prioritas akhir tertinggi dengan menggunakan AHP adalah faktor terpenting pada proses bisnis yaitu source (pengadaan) dengan bobot sebesar 0.51007. Kualitas berperan terpenting bagi parameter kinerja dengan bobot 0.51391. Pada atribut kinerja, reliabilitas yaitu kepercayaan konsumen pada manajemen rantai pasok KPSBU menjadi faktor krusial berbobot 0.23654. Matriks pengukuran kinerja faktor yang paling penting yaitu kinerja pengiriman dengan bobot 0.15297, yang merupakan tujuan utama dari AHP. North Bandung Cattle Farm Cooperative (KPSBU) is a cooperative that sells dairy cow milk. The cooperative needs to improve supply chain performance to gain competitive advantage. The research objectives were: (1) Explaining the supply chain for cow's milk at KPSBU, (2) Creating a metric for measuring the performance of the supply chain for cow's milk at KPSBU based on the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) approach, and (3) Measuring the level of importance (weight) of the metric supply chain performance of cow's milk using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The method used is descriptive statistical analysis, pairwise comparison, and AHP. Metrics for measuring the performance of the supply chain for cow's milk are used to determine the weight of the supply chain performance metrics, the measured metrics include business processes, performance parameters, work attributes, and performance measurement metrics. The result of the identification of the highest final priority using AHP is the most important factor in the business process, namely the source (procurement) with a weight of 0.51007. Quality is the most important factor in the performance parameter with a weight of 0.51391. In the performance attribute, reliability, namely consumer confidence in KPSBU supply chain management, is the most important factor with a weight of 0.23654. Whereas in the performance measurement matrix the most important factor is delivery performance with a weight of 0.15297, which is the main objective of AHP.
- UT - Management [3476]