Analisis Water Footprint dan Carbon Footprint Sistem Otomatisasi pada Model Irigasi Bawah Permukaan untuk Budidaya Tanaman Padi
Kesulitan dalam memperhatikan kondisi lingkungan pada budidaya padi konvensional dapat menyebabkan penggunaan air menjadi tidak efisien. Sektor pertanian menyumbang 14% emisi gas rumah kaca dunia. Irigasi cerdas merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat menghemat penggunaan air namun turut menyumbangkan emisi gas rumah kaca. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kinerja sistem irigasi otomatis, water footprint, dan carbon footprint dari otomatisasi irigasi bawah permukaan berbasis internet of thing pada lahan padi. Penelitian diawali dengan persiapan lahan, pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder, serta analisis water footprint dan carbon footprint. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan data harian yang digunakan selama masa tanam. Perhitungan water footprint meliputi perhitungan green, blue, dan grey water footprint. Kinerja sistem irigasi otomatis musim tanam pertama cukup baik dengan 88,43% data berada pada rentang set point atas dan bawah. Besar water footprint dan carbon footprint yang dihasilkan dari proses irigasi bawah permukaan otomatis untuk menghasilkan produk padi berturut-turut sebesar 54.731,92 m3/ton dan 30,4 kgCO2-eq/tahun.
Difficulties monitoring to environmental conditions in conventional rice cultivation can cause irrigation to be inefficient. The agricultural sector produces 14% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Smart irrigation is one solution that can save water use but also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to analyze the automatic irrigation system, water footprint, and carbon footprint of internet-based subsurface irrigation automation in rice fields. The research started with land preparation, primary and secondary data collecton, and analysis of water footprint and carbon footprint. The analysis was carried out based on the daily data used during the planting period. The calculation of the water footprint includes the calculation of green, blue, and gray water footprints. The performance of the automatic irrigation system for the first planting season was quite good with 88.43% of the data in the upper and lower set point ranges. The water footprint and carbon footprint resulting from the automation under surface irrigation process to produce rice products are 54,731.92 m3/ton and 30.4 kgCO2-eq/year, respectively. Difficulties monitoring to environmental conditions in conventional rice
cultivation can cause irrigation to be inefficient. The agricultural sector produces
14% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Smart irrigation is one solution that
can save water use but also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims
to analyze the automatic irrigation system, water footprint, and carbon footprint of
internet-based subsurface irrigation automation in rice fields. The research started
with land preparation, primary and secondary data collecton, and analysis of water
footprint and carbon footprint. The analysis was carried out based on the daily data
used during the planting period. The calculation of the water footprint includes the
calculation of green, blue, and gray water footprints. The performance of the
automatic irrigation system for the first planting season was quite good with 88.43%
of the data in the upper and lower set point ranges. The water footprint and carbon
footprint resulting from the automation under surface irrigation process to produce
rice products are 54,731.92 m3
/ton and 30.4 kgCO2-eq/year, respectively.