Kajian Komunitas Lamun di Perairan Pesisir Manokwari
Study of seagrass community in coastal water of Manokwari was done in July-October 2007. The location (sampling points) consisted of seagrass beds that were closed to anthropogenic waste and/or suspended particles sources (i.e. Andai, Wosi, and Briosi) and seagrass beds that were relatively far from those sources (i.e. Rendani and Tj. Mangewa). Seagrass samplings were conducted by line transect and plot methods, environmental parameters were measured. There were eight species collected which included in proineer group (C. rotundata, H. pinifolia, H. uninervis, H. ovalis, S. isoetifolium) and climax group (C. serrulata, E. acoroides, T. hemprichii).