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Title: Pendugaan Fungsi Kepekatan Nonparametrik Kecepatan Terminal Fraksi Ampas Pres Minyak Sawit
Authors: Ariana, Diwan Prima
Notodiputro, Khairil Anwar
Guritno, Purboyo
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Press cake produced during oil palm fruit pressing is mainly composed by fibers and nuts. The pneumatic depericarper is usually used to separate fibers and nuts. The degree of separation between fibers and nuts is affected mainly by air velocity. The terminal velocities ofthese fractions were theoritically calculated. The optimum air velocity was then determined by using terminal velocity density function of those fractions. There were significantly different in density function of fibers and nuts. Thus, it is possible to separate these fractions optimally. The optimal air velocity was found to be 9.63 to 12.34 m/s with confidence coefficient 0.95.
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