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Title: Penerapan Model Fertilitas Perkawinan terhadap Data Jawa-Bali
Authors: Sumarno, Hadi
Jemain, Abdul Aziz
Razali, Ahmad Mahir bin
Mohamed, Wan Norsiah bt.
Issue Date: 1997
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Alarital fertility rate explains level of fertility of wortten that married in the whole oftheir reproduction cycle (TAIFR). In practice, TAIFR can be countedfrom the sur~rr~ratioonf the age speciJc nrarital fertility rate, starting porn age 20 to 49 years old. Using the Coale- Trussell model, the marital fertilih, rate can be deconrposed into two conrponent, na/rre!v natural fertility rate and extent of stopping behaviour. The natural fertility rate across societies dqferent due to variation in spacing behmdour, that in this model is explained by M. And the variation in stopping behaviour is explained by nr. The purpose of this study is to explore the variation of marital fertility pattern across propince in Jmla-Bali. using the IDHS 1991 data. The result of analysis shows that the lowest TA!FR2s49 is 2.4 (East Java), and the highest TA fFR 2621 is 3.7 (rlrest Java).
Appears in Collections:Mathematics

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