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dc.contributor.advisorMunandar, Aris
dc.contributor.advisorSekartjakrarini, Soehartini
dc.description.abstractBetung Kerihun National Park had a potencial objects for ecotourism. Existing utilization of Park had to be developed into an ideal productive ecotourism. This research was aimed to evaluate tourism objects, potencial activities of local community and tourism in one of existing running tourism activites of the park . The research was planned a use zone and tourism areas of the section. Use zone and tourism areas were delineated and ground true checked based on (1) area defined traditionally by local people, (2) protected area (3) potency to develop adventure tourisms, (4) potency to develop education with interpretation program. It is concluded that there were intensive use areas of 2.136 ha (10,8 %), general outdoor tourism 4.321 ha (21,8 %), natural environment areas 10.027 ha (50,6 %), wilderness tourism areas 3.250 ha (16,4 %), tradisional aktivities areas 88 ha (0,4 %).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAplikasi Konsep Ekowisata Dalam Perencanaan Zona Pemanfaatan Taman Nasional untuk Patiwisata dengan Pendekatan Ruang (Studi Kasus Wilayah Seksi Bungan Kawasan Taman Nasional Betung Kerihun di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat)id
dc.subject.keywordBetung Kerihun National Park
dc.subject.keywordSistem Informasi Geografis
Appears in Collections:MT - Multidiciplinary Program

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