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Title: Toksisitas akut angkak (red yeast rice) pada tikus putih galur Sprague-dawley.
Acute toxicity of angkak (red yeast rice) in the white rats strain Sprague-dawley
Authors: Hasan, A.E. Zainal
Huminto, Hernomoadi
Pratiwi, Khirani Afrisha
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute)
Abstract: Acute toxicity of angkak had been tested on 2 months aged of male white rats strain Sprague-Dawley. The 25 rats were divided into 5 groups of single dose are control, 2.5 g/kg body weight (bw), 5 g/kg bw, 10 g/kg bw and 15 g/kg bw. Toxic effect of angkak to liver and kidney were tested by biochemical analysis which measuring the activity of Alanin Amino Transferase (ALT/ EC, Aspartat Amino Transferase (AST/ EC enzymes and blood urea level at one day before (H-1) and after (H+1) the treatment also 5 days after the treatment (H+5). Mortality level and clinical symptoms were observed after 24 hours until 5 days treatment. Then the rats were necropsied to see the lesion on the liver and kidney both macroscopically and microscopically. Results show that the rats still survive since 24 hours until 5 days after the test. During the treatment, the body weight of the rats insignificantly increasing (P>0.05). Clinical symptoms of the rats (appetite, eye, fur and behaviour) do not change. However the rats which is given by angkak the feces colours reddish and the activity of ALT, AST enzyme as well as the blood urea level significantly increase which show on H+1 and H+5 compared H-1 treatment. Liver undergone congestion, lipid degeneration, and necrosis, meanwhile the kidney undergone protein accumulation and necrosis of tubular epithelium.
Toksisitas akut angkak dilakukan pada 25 ekor tikus putih galur Sprague-Dawley jantan berumur dua bulan, dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok dosis tunggal yaitu kontrol, 2.5 g/kg BB, 5 g/kg BB, 10 g/kg BB dan 15g/kg BB. Efek toksik angkak terhadap organ hati dan ginjal hewan coba dilakukan dengan analisis biokimiawi yaitu mengukur aktivitas enzim Alanin Amino Transferase (ALT/ EC, Aspartat Amino Transferase (AST/ EC dan kadar urea dalam darah pada sehari sebelum perlakuan (H-1), sehari setelah perlakuan (H+1) dan 5 hari setelah perlakuan (H+5). Tingkat kematian dan gejala klinis hewan coba diamati setelah 24 jam sampai 5 hari setelah perlakuan. Kemudian, tikus dinekropsi untuk melihat adanya kelainan pada organ hati dan ginjal secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis (histopatologis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan adanya kematian hewan coba pada semua perlakuan sejak 24 jam sampai 5 hari setelah perlakuan. Selama perlakuan, bobot badan tikus tidak mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan (P>0.05). Gejala klinis hewan coba (nafsu makan, keadaan mata, keadaan bulu dan tingkah laku) tidak menunjukkan adanya perubahan. Namun, pada kelompok perlakuan fesesnya berwarna kemerahan. Aktivitas enzim ALT, AST serta kadar urea darah semua kelompok perlakuan meningkat secara signifikan pada H+1 dan H+5 tidak mengalami perubahan yang signifikan dibandingkan pada H-1 (P>0.05). Organ hati mengalami kongesti, degenerasi lemak dan nekrosa. Sedangkan organ ginjal mengalami degenerasi protein dan nekrosa pada epitel tubulusnya.
Appears in Collections:MT - Mathematics and Natural Science

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