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Title: Strategi Peningkatan Penerimaan Retribusi pada Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Halmahera Utara.
Authors: Syaukat, Yusman
Hariyoga, Himawan
Lupini, Henriko
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Abstract: Nort Halmahera Regency, which was expanded in 2003, has shown significant development progress. Along with it the growth of transfortation will increase due to the increase mobility of people across the region. Retribution in the transportation sector is one of the income souces for the departemen of transportation in nort Halmahera. Based on the result of the study, the North Halmahera has shown an adequate performance. This is indicated by the resulted analyses of the effectiveness in the last five years. In 2007 and 2008 the effectiveness was in Range II: 1.00 and 1,10 respectively. In 2009 and 2010 it was range 1: 0.60 and 0.66 and in 2011 it was Range III: 1.60. the analysis showed that the retribution collected by the Transportation Departement still had a small contribution to the regional income (PAD) of North Halmahera, based on the calculation of both the seven objects and the three objects of retribution Therefore, three is still greatly potential retribution for the Departement of Transportation to collect and optimize the income resource in order to increase its regional revenue (PAD). The analysis of public perception indicated that after the five-year period of collecting the levy, the Departement of Transportation has not announced the amount of the tariff (retribution) charged. The retribution rates for some objects do not comply with the regionl regulations. This means that the rate charged is higher than the provisions in the regional regulation. The retributions charged not in live with the standart tariff are those charged for the lesting of molor vehicles and route permit.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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