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Title: Revitalisasi Pekarangan Sebagai Lanskap Agroforestri Skala Mikro Untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Authors: Kaswanto
Muttaqin, Tatag
Issue Date: May-2013
Publisher: Balai Penelitian Teknologi Agroforestry, Faperta Unibraw
Abstract: The development ojsmall agrojorestry landscapes jor low carbon soci7ties can resolve environmental problems In rular areas, porticulorly in developing countries. Inadequate landscape management practices may suppress Economic, social and ecological development in rural marginal communities. Therefore by revitalizing small agroforestry systems such as pekarangan, marginal communities have the possibility to advance economicalfy, socially and ecologically. The aim oj this research is to develop an original environmental services concept around the small agroforestry landscape of pekarangan, a home garden landscape. Those environmental services of pekarangan are (1) biodiversity conservation, (2) carbon stock accumulation, (3) economic resource possession and (4) additional nutrition for humans. It was found pekarangan has high biodiversity and carbon stock may account for up to 20% of forest landscape, while total income could be increased by up to 12.9% finally It was recorded that pekarangan may provide 2.096 of daily calorie intake.
ISBN: 978-602-17616-3-2
Appears in Collections:Landscape Architecture

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