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dc.contributor.authorAbdullah, M.A.N.-
dc.contributor.authorNoor, R.R.-
dc.contributor.authorMartojo, H.-
dc.contributor.authorSolihin, D.D.-
dc.contributor.authorHandiwirawan, E.-
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this research were to study the variability of body size, body weight, colour, and colourcoat pattern, growth of horn form, line of backbone and face which was used as database genetics for conservation programme and to increase the quality of Aceh cattle genetics. This research conducted in four locations which were Aceh Besar, Pidie, North Aceh regencies and Banda Aceh city to obtain the quantita-tive and qualitative data of Aceh cattle (131 males and 269 females). All those data analyzed using descrip-tive statistics which Minitab 14.13 program and sheet Excel tabulation. Research result showed that body weight and body size had been decreased compared to concised report in 1926. In the same age, Aceh cattle had smaller body size than those of Madura, Ongole (PO), and Bali cattle. Although, the body size and body weight of Aceh cattle were larger than the average body size and body weight of cattle in coastal west Sumatera. Qualitatively, Aceh cattle had dominant red sand and light brown colour, also variance of colour coat pattern starting from dark to light colour. The shape of horn growth in female cattle was bend slightly toward left or right and then bend to forward direction and the male had the same shape as female but the end of the horn goes upward. Almost all Aceh cattle had the concave face line and some of them had diametrical face line (4,5%). In general, Aceh cattle had along concave backbone (89,25%), partly had long convex backbone (6,25%) and only small part of Aceh cattle had along diametrical backbone (4,5%).id
dc.description.abstractPenelitian bertujuan mengkarakterisasi keragaman ukuran-ukuran tubuh, bobot badan, warna dan pola warna tubuh, bentuk pertumbuhan tanduk, garis muka dan punggung yang digunakan sebagai database dalam pelaksanaan program konservasi dan peningkatan mutu genetik sapi Aceh. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan di empat lokasi yaitu Kota Banda Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Pidie dan Aceh Utara untuk mendapatkan data-data kuantitatif dan kualitatif dari 400 ekor sapi Aceh (131 jantan dan 269 betina). Data-data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan paket program Minitab versi 14.13 dan tabulasi sheet Excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditinjau dari segi bobot badan dan ukuran-ukuran tubuh, sapi Aceh mengalami penurunan performans dibanding hasil laporan dalam tahun 1926. Apabila dibandingkan sapi Bali, Madura dan PO, maka sapi Aceh mempunyai ukuran-ukuran tubuh yang lebih kecil pada tingkat umur yang sama, namun masih berada di atas rataan ukuran-ukuran tubuh dan bobot badan sapi Pesisir di Sumatera Barat. Secara kualitatif, sapi Aceh mempunyai warna dominan merah bata dan cokelat muda serta pola warna beragam mulai warna gelap sampai terang. Bentuk pertumbuhan tanduk sapi betina mengarah ke samping melengkung ke atas kemudian ke depan dan pada jantan mengarah ke samping melengkung ke atas. Hampir seluruh populasi sapi Aceh mempunyai garis muka yang cekung dan sebagian (4,5%) memiliki garis muka yang lurus. Pada umumnya sapi Aceh mempunyai garis punggung yang cekung (89,25%), sebagian mempunyai garis punggung cembung (6,25%) dan sebagian kecil mempunyai garis punggung lurus (4,5%)id
dc.title.alternativeThe Phenotypic Variability of Aceh Cattle in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalamid
dc.subject.keywordAceh cattleid
dc.subject.keywordbody weightid
dc.subject.keywordbody sizeid
dc.subject.keywordsapi Acehid
dc.subject.keywordbobot badanid
dc.subject.keywordukuran tubuhid
Appears in Collections:Animal Production Technology

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