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Title: Evaluasi Karakter Produksi dan Pengelompokan 21 Genotipe Buncis
Authors: Undang
Marwiyah, S.
Maharijaya, A.
Issue Date: Oct-2016
Publisher: Perhimpunan Agronomi Indonesia
Abstract: Improvement of production character and adaptability of bean plants in the middle-lands to lowlands continue to be made in order to produce new varieties of beans. Research conducted in August-October 2016 in the garden PKHT, Tajur, Bogor (300 m asl). The purpose of this study was to evaluatedthe quantitative traits of yield, qualitative characters and classifying of bean genotypes. Treatment consisted of 21 genotypes of beans genotypes (dwarft and climbing types) were arranged in a randomized complete block design, double row with a spacing of 35 cm x 40 cm. ANOVA results showed that the treatment significantly different for all characters production observed that total fruit weight, fruit weight, fruit number, fruit length, and number of seeds. Total fruit weight characters significantly correlated with fruit number character. Classification by 5 characters of production and 16 qualitative characters of different through cluster analysis resulted in five groups of beans (similarity level 69.32) were GI-the type of dwarft beans with stems and green fruit, GII-dwarft beans with stems and fruits purple, GIII-climbing beans with green stems and fruits, GIV-climbing beans, green stems and fruits with highest significantly different for total fruit weight and fruit number, respectively, and GV-climbing beans with purple stems and green fruits.
ISBN: 978-602-601-080-3
Appears in Collections:Agronomy and Horticulture

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