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Title: Pangan Sebagai Indikator Kemiskinan
Authors: Khomsan, Ali
Sumarwan, Ujang
Briawan, Dodik
Issue Date: 1-Jul-1997
Publisher: Media Gizi dan Keluarga
Abstract: In 1990, about 27 million people in Indonesia were categorized as poor according to Centrak Bureau for Statistics. The government of Indonesia through varlous of programs continues to alleviate the poverty problem. The objective of the research was to determine food variables as indicator of poverty line. The research was conducted in Tegallega Village-Bogor from August 1996 to March 1997. Sample was Pra Sejahtera and Sejahtera I families according to BKKBN criteria represented poor families; and the non poor families consisted of Sejahtera II, Sejahtera III, and Sejahtera III+families. Total sample was 30 (poor) and 60 (non poor) families, and sample was drawn randomly. Food consumption data was collected using recall and food frequency methods. Data was analyzed using frequency distribution and discriminant analysis. Frequency of beef consumption with cut off point 3,6 x/month was a good indicator for proverty. Variables found as determinant of poverty line in this study should be tested in various regions using SUSENAS data for generalization.
ISSN: 0216-9363
Appears in Collections:Published By Media

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