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Other Titles: Development of Balance Diet Indices to Assess Nutritional Quality of the Diet in Indonesian Adolescents (13-15 Years Old)
Authors: Rahmawati
Roosita, Katrin
Issue Date: Sep-2015
Publisher: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Hasanuddin
Abstract: Masalah gizi yang dihadapi remaja Indonesia saat ini adalah masalah gizi ganda, dengan salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah ketidakseimbangan kuantitas dan kualitas gizi konsumsi pangan Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan Indeks Gizi Seimbang (IGS) untuk menilai kualitas gizi konsumsi pangan remaja Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah konsumsi pangan yang diperoleh melalui hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2010 menggunakan metode food recall 1x24 jam dengan desain cross sectional survey. Standar yang digunakan untuk validasi IGS adalah nilai Mutu Gizi Pangan (MGP) yang dihitung berdasarkan tingkat kecukupan 15 zat gizi. Total subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 11679 remaja terdiri dari 6040 laki-laki dan 5639 perempuan usia 13-15 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisien korelasi antara IGS dan MGP berkisar 0,29-0,60. IGSK-60 adalah IGS yang paling valid (r=0,60), tetapi IGS3-60 adalah IGS yang paling praktis (r=0,55). IGSK-60 dan IGS3-60 menilai 6 kelompok pangan. IGSK-60 merupakan sistem penilaian secara kontinyu, sementara IGS360 merupakan sistem penilaian secara kategori. Kesimpulan, IGS3-60 adalah IGS yang paling praktis dan valid, cocok digunakan untuk memonitor kualitas gizi konsumsi pangan remaja
Currently, double burden of malnutrition is faced by the Indonesian adolescents. One of the causal factors of this problem is imbalance nutritional quatity and quality of the adolescent’s diet. This study was aimed to develop a Balance Diet Indices (BDI) in Indonesian adolescents. BDI is an indices system to assess nutritional quality of the diet. The food consumption data which was collected by a 24 hour recall method through a crosssectional surveyof Basic Health Research was used in this study. The gold standard used to validate BDI was Nutritional Food Quality(NFQ) measured by mean nutrient sufficient level of 15 nutrients. Total subject of this study was 11679 adolescents consisted of 6040 males and 5639 females aged 13-15 years. The showed that the Pearson correlation coefficient of the BDI and NFQ range from 0,29 to 0,60. The most appropriate index for assessing the nutritional food quality of the diet was BDIC-60 (r=0,60); but the most practical one and valid index was BDI3-60 (r=0,57). Both BDIC-60 and BDI3-60 were calculated based on the six food groups; BDIC-60 was calculated by a continualy scoring system while BDI3-60 was calculated by a categorical scoring system. In conclusion, regarding its practical and validity, BDI3-60 is the most recommended to be used for monitoring nutritional quality of the adolescent’s diet
ISSN: 0216-2482
Appears in Collections:Community Nutrition

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