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Title: Identification of Media and Indicator Liquid as A Recorder Smart Label
Authors: Warsiki, Endang
Octaviasari, Riris
Issue Date: Aug-2015
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Prosiding ICAIA 2015
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Abstract: In this research, identification of liquid as color indicator and media i.e. paper as diffusion media, has been studied. This study used several types of paper as diffusion media (buffalo paper, HVS 80 gr, photo paper, concord, drawing paper and cardboard duplex). It also used high viscosity liquid (cooking oil, oil A and oil B) as the indicator liquid. The research was begun by paper and liquid characterizations including gramature, density, mass density and viscosity. Indicator liquid as much as 20 mL was poured into chamber and the edge of paper was immersed into the liquid. The chambers were stored at 50°C for cooking oil, while 30.1SoC and 5°C for other oil. Length of liquid diffused in the ·paper was measured in em. Measurement was done at at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. A graphic of paper length (L) vs time (t) was plotted and diffuse rate constant (k) as well as activation energy (Ea) was determined. Best media of indicator liquid and paper was selected based on their high value of Ea. Result showed that cooking oil, oil A and oil B showed slow diffusion rate. These materials were able to detect up to 4 days of shelf life of such product during storage. Based on activation energy, the most suitable indicator for recorder smart label was oil A. The best materials for this label development sequentially from low-to- high activation energy were buffalo paper, cardboard, drawing paper, concord, HVS 80 g and photo paper.
ISBN: 978-1-4673-7404-0
Appears in Collections:Agroindustrial Technology

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