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Title: Isolation of deep-sea sediment bacteria for oil spill biodegradation
Authors: Prartono, Tri
Syafrizal, Syafrizal
Udiharto, Udiharto
Effendi, Hefni
Dwinovantyo, Angga
Issue Date: 27-Oct-2015
Publisher: other
Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology - International Journal of the Bioflux Society
Citation: Dwinovantyo A., Prartono T., Syafrizal S., Udiharto U., Effendi H., 2015 Isolation of deep-sea sediment bacteria for oil spill biodegradation. ELBA Bioflux 7(2):103-108.
Series/Report no.: 7;2
Abstract: The potency of deep-sea sediments bacteria is still unfamiliarly used for oil spill biodegradation, and this research was to isolate and identify bacteria from those sediments and adapt them in oily media. Bacterial isolates were cultivated and adapted in a mixture of 0.1% v/v crude oil media. Seven deep-sea sediment samples were treated to isolate bacteria and it produced a variety of bacteria population 5.5 x 102 CFU mL-1 to 1.5 x 106 CFU mL-1. These populations apparently increased after cultivation and adaptation and gave a varying population from 3.0 x 106 CFU mL-1 to 6.8 x 108 CFU mL-1. The increased bacteria population was an indication of the bacterial capability of using carbon in crude oil as a substrate. Those bacteria were Raoultella sp., Enterobacter sp. and Pseudomonas sp.
Potensi bakteri sedimen laut dalam untuk teknologi biodegradasi tumpahan minyak masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi bakteri alami dari contoh sedimen laut dalam, dan menyesuaikannya dalam media yang berminyak. Isolat bakteri dikultivasi dan diadaptasi menggunakan media air laut terkondisi nutrien yang dicampur dengan minyak mentah 0.1% v/v. Isolasi dari 7 contoh sedimen laut dalam menghasilkan jumlah populasi bakteri 5.5 x 102 CFU mL-1hingga 1.5 x 106 CFU mL-1. Setelah kultivasi dan adaptasi dilakukan, populasi bakteri meningkat yaitu sebesar 3.0 x 106 CFU mL-1 hingga 6.8 x 108 CFU mL-1. Peningkatan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa bakteri mampu menggunakan karbon pada minyak mentah sebagai sumber nutrisi. Bakteri yang teridentifikasi dalam penelitian ini diantaranya Raoultella sp., Enterobacter sp. Dan Pseudomonas sp.
ISSN: 2066-7671
Appears in Collections:UT - Marine Science And Technology

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