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Title: Penangkaran Cendrawasih Kuning Kecil (Paradisaea minor Shaw,1809) di Taman Burung, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah dan Mega Bird and Orchid Farm.
Authors: Hernowo, Jarwadi Budi
Masy'ud, Burhanuddin
Cita, Ken Dara
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Ex situ conservation is a means to save wildlife animal include lesser bird of paradise. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Bird Park and Mega Bird And Orchid Farm (MBOF) were two institutions that support ex-situ conservation program with different purposes. TMII Bird Park has non-commercial purpose breeding, while MBOF has commercial purpose in captivity breeding. The objectives of this research was to describe the management of captive breeding of lesser bird of paradise with the influencing factor for captive breedig success and the daily behavior of lesser bird of paradise in the cage. This research was conducted from March until April 2015. Focal animal sampling and one zero sampling method were employed to observe daily behaviour. The results showed that there were not differences in management between the two locations, and did not success for breeding. The behaviors had been identified were: resting, ingestive, locomotion, and maintenance behavior. The disturbances caused by visitors and other animals.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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