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Title: Peran Perempuan Nelayan di Desa Asemdoyong Kabupaten Pemalang, Jawa Tengah.
Authors: Wiyono, Eko Sri
Solihin, Akhmad
Azizah, Nur
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Role of fishermen’s womans of fishermen family is not equally, because fishermen’s womans is not allowed on the economic activity. To improve fisher womanin fisheries, it is necessary to study about the role of woman fisherman. The study was conducted in Pemalang Central Java. The data were collected from 60 respondent by quota sampling method. The result of this study showed that fishermen’s womens allocated their time for social, economic, and domestic activity were about 1,92 hour/day, 6,04 hour/day, and 9,26 hour/day. Altought give a little role to family economic contribution (36,83%), fishermen’s womens is give a significant role in their family. In order to improve fisher’s womens some strategy that must be done are : 1) create a new bussines and compenies of fisher women, 2) give a practice for fisher women, 3) increase the the quality and quantity of fisher women bussines and 4) improve the patterns of effective and efficient processing.
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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