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Title: Faktor determinan output pendidikan anak pada keluarga penerima program keluarga harapan (PKH)
Other Titles: Prosiding seminar nasional dan call for Paper “Aplikasi Hasil Riset Berbasis Inovasi dan Teknologi Kerakyatan”
Authors: Simanjuntak, Megawati
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Bogor Science Club (BSC) Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor
Abstract: Hopeful Family Programme (PKH) is a goverment effort to alleviate poverty and enhance the human resources quality of poor families through giving them prerequisite subsidy. This research aimed to analyze the factors that influence children education output on PKH recipients. This study applied cross sectional and retrospective research design. The data were collected from eight villages located in Darmaga area, Bogor Regency. Respondents of this study were mothers as many as 150 samples that determined randomly by using systematic method. Statistical analysis used descriptive method, paired t-test, Spearman/Pearson correlation, and Structural Equation Modelling. Learning care pattern and academic achievement of child didn’t show a significant difference between pre and during PKH. Children educational output comprised of attendance level and academic achievement weren’t influenced significantly by child value, expense for child education, learning care pattern, and subjective’s child well-being
ISSN: 2339-2657
Appears in Collections:Proceedings

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