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Title: Studi Literatur Perbandingan Profil Eritrosit dan Leukosit Ayam Broiler, Tikus, dan Domba.
Authors: Satyaningtijas, Aryani Sismin
Siburian, Santa Nova A
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: This study was conducted to compare erythrocytes and leukocytes profile from different species of animals among broiler chicken, rat, and sheep. Erythrocytes and leucocytes profile could be related to health condition. This study used secondary data from previous studies of chicken, rat and sheep. Total erythrocyte cells count of broiler chicken, rat, and sheep were 1.93x106/mm3, 6.33x106mm3, 10.46x106/mm3, haemoglobin of broiler chicken, rat, and sheep were 23.83 g%, 36.17 g%, 28.20 g%, and hematocrite were 5.84%, 12.87%, 8.40%. Total leucocyte cells count of broiler chickens, rats were 5.84x103/mm3, 13x103/mm3, 8.43x103/mm3 respectivelly. Leucocytes differentiation such as heterophils or neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, limfocytes, monocytes of broiler chickens were 1.168x103/mm3, 0.234x103/mm3, 0, 3.796x103/mm3, 0.642x103/mm3, in rats were 4.81x103/mm3, 0.026x103/mm3, 0, 8.138x103/mm3, 0.42x103/mm3, and sheep were 2.585x103/mm3, 0.168x103/mm3, 0, 5.198x103/mm3, 0.478x103/mm3. Stress index of broiler chickens, rat, and sheep were 0.3, 0.59, and 0.59. This study showed that erythrocyte and leukocyte profile of different species were also different.
Appears in Collections:UT - Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

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