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Title: Model Produksi Biodiesel Berbasis Minyak Sawit Untuk Memprediksi Harga Jual dan Besaran Subsidi
Authors: Sukardi
Suryani, Ani
Romli, Muhammad
Sembiring, Meilita Tryana
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Biodiesel is a renewable energy source, environmentally friendly, and it could reduce the consumption of fuel energy (non-renewable energy). A prospective raw material for the production of biodiesel is palm oil. Oil World Organization released Indonesian palm oil data for October 2013 to September 2014, the production of Indonesian palm oil is 30 million tons, exported 20.9 million tons and is used for domestic consumption 9.10 million tons. Indonesia as world's largest palm oil commodity-producing countries has potential to developed palm oil-based on biodiesel as biofuels (renewable energy) instead of fossil fuels. However, the problems of high selling price makes biodiesel is not sustainable production in Indonesia is not growing. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources released from the total current biodiesel producer biodiesel industry as much as 25, 13 manufacturers have ceased production. While biodiesel is increasing the need for government policy, mixing biodiesel into diesel fuel (biosolar). In 2013 consumption solar amounted 33 million kiloliters, mixing 10% of biodiesel can reduce diesel amounted to 3.3 million kiloliters/year. On the other hand, the selling price of biodiesel is determined by Mean Oil Platts Singapore (MOPS) is the price of diesel in the Singapore market, until now selling price of biodiesel can be said to be always higher than the price of MOPS. The selling price is a manufacturer of high due to price of raw material for biodiesel and make the cost of biodiesel production process is high. Based on this study examines these issues biodiesel selling price of biodiesel production costs and selling price support policy recommendations that high biodiesel in the form of subsidies. The cost of production is influenced by the price of raw material for biodiesel and biodiesel production process cost. Approach to get the production process cost of biodiesel is done by modeling the process is quantitative of biodiesel production. Biodiesel production model is built from the sub model raw materials, process technology (Grand Inizio and Lurgi) based on the content of free fatty acid (FFA) are used as raw materials and components forming the cost of production. Biodiesel studied is biodiesel made from palm oil, namely crude palm oil (CPO), refined palm oil (RPO), refined bleached deodorized palm oil (RBDPO), refined bleached deodorized palm olein (RBD olein), Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Stearin (RBD stearin), Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD). Studied process technology used two technology provider for production process biodiesel. Comparing two techologies for determining the cost of production of biodiesel. We selected the technology process based on comparison of cost of process and fixed capital investment. Biodiesel production model is used to obtain the lowest selling price. Approach to the selling price calculation is done using a heuristic technique, by totaling prices of raw material, process cost, taxes, and sales margin. The lowest price of this calculation is the minimum price the biodiesel production process and can be used as a reference by the government to determine the lowest selling price of biodiesel. Further study of fluctuations of raw material prices of biodiesel and biodiesel prices and its impact on the calculation and administration of policy recommendations subsidies to be issued by government. Recomendation is obtained by comparing the highest selling price of raw materials to the study of fluctuations in the price index of biodiesel production. So that the maximum subsidy policy is the maximum selling price of reduced price index fluctuation analysis of biodiesel production. This research was conducted from November 2013 to December 2014. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained from direct observation and interview of the experts according to the research topics and secondary data from records/documents and literature. Data collection was conducted at PT MusimMas, PT Wilmar, PT Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk, and PTPN IV. The choice of respondents and experts were used purposive sampling. This research resulted in a mathematical models consist of raw materials sub models, technology processes sub models, production costs sub models, selling price sub models, amount of the subsidy sub models. Selling price calculation is done with a case study of biodiesel prices in 2013 with the results of the selling price of biodiesel each raw material for each liter of biodiesel is CPO Rp 8 979, RPO Rp 8 979, RBDPO Rp 8 680, RBD olein Rp 8 784, Rp RBD stearin Rp 8 105, and PFAD Rp 7 798. The lowest selling price is PFAD, and the highest selling price is from RBD olein. The lowest production cost from refined oil there are RBDPO, RBD olein dan RBD stearin and the production cost highest is PFAD. The lowest selling price can be used as a reference the minimum selling price of biodiesel by the government. Price fluctuations in raw material and its impact on the selling price showed that the highest selling price over the last eight years is Rp 12 121. The price is a reference calculation of the maximum subsidy to be provided by the government to producers of biodiesel in 2013. The amount of the subsidy proposed in 2014 by the market price index Rp 9 276 is Rp 2 845
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture Technology

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