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Title: Produksi dan Kualitas Telur Ayam ISA Brown yang diberi Ransum Rendah Protein pada Pemeliharaan Terintegrasi dengan Kolam Azolla untuk Mitigasi Amonia
Authors: Sumiati
Silaban, Rikardo
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Poultry livestock base on environmental friendly is a concept that unisolate sector of livestock in many countries. All of the strategies made to realize the concept were aimed to improve the environmental quality while still maintaining the productivity of livestock. The expansion rate of livestock industries have to increase continuously and expected for concept implementation. The major component which can be break down the concept was ammonia emission (NH3) of waste. Many alternative of strategies have been observed and discussed regarding to NH3 mitigation from upstream (diets) to downstream (environment control) and showed the unoptimum result. Therefore, it is required the optimum strategy regarding NH3 mitigation beside kept on the minimum safety standards for animal before application. One of strategies that can be applied is feeding low crude protein diet with supplemented essential amino acid reared in the farm integrated with Pond-Grown azolla. The objectives of this study were to evaluate whether feeding laying hen low crude protein (CP) diet would reduce ammonia (NH3) volatilization in excreta but with minimum effects on performances and egg quality of hens, bacterial counts of pathogen and non pathogen in excreta, capability azolla as biofilter of waste water, and physical quality of waste water of pond integrated reared in the farm. This study used 240 ISA Brown hens of 22-week old and were raised for eight weeks to analyzed the effect of feeding hens low crude protein diet on the performances, egg quality of hens, excreta NH3, and bacterial counts of pathogen (E.Coli) and non pathogen (Lactobacillus sp.). This study used a completely randomized design with two treatments and fifteen replications to measure performances, egg quality of hens, excreta NH3, bacterial counts of pathogen and non pathogen in excreta, and used factorial completely randomized design with three factor experiments 2x2x4 with two replications to measure physical quality of waste water. The treatment diets were: R17 diet contain 17% crude protein and R15 diet contain 15% crude protein with supplemented essential amino acid. Parameters measured were feed intake, hen day production, egg mass production, feed conversion, egg weight, body weight gain, eggshell weight, shell percentage, eggshell thickness, egg surface area, egg yolk color score, albumen height, haugh unit, excreta NH3, excreta N, moisture, pH, bacterial counts of Eschericia coli and Lactobacillus sp., N biomass azolla, TDS, temperature, pH of waste water, and analysis income over feed cost. The results showed that feeding laying hens with low crude protein diet (R15) significantly (P<0.05) decreased excreta NH3 about 18.4% to 27.0%, significantly (P<0.05) increased feed conversion and can be induced the decreasing (P<0.05) hen day production to 21.5%. Feeding laying hens with low crude protein diet could maintain quality of egg such as eggshell weight, shell percentage, eggshell thickness, egg surface area, egg yolk color score, albumen height, haugh unit. The results of proximate analysis showed that biomass of azolla whether evaluate in pond integrated reared in the farm had obtained the increasing biomass N to 29.1%. The results also showed that no interaction effects between three factor on physical quality of waste water except effects of terrace pond. Feeding laying hens low crude protein diet reared in the farm integrated with pond-grown azolla could produce physical quality of waste water belong to normal standard of waste water drained out on the ground. Base on IOFC analysis, feeding laying hens with low crude protein diet unappropriate to increase performances and unprofitable than control. The conclusion of this study that feeding laying hens low crude protein (15%) diet with supplemented essential amino acid decreased excreta NH3, could maintain egg quality of hens, caused the decreasing of hen day production and increased feed conversion. Azolla was growed in pond integrated reared in the farm had a role as biofertilizer which showed on physical quality of waste water such as TDS, pH, temperature, and source of protein for animal feed potentially.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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