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Title: Sistem Pemasaran Karet Rakyat di Kabupaten Tebo, Provinsi lambi dengan Pendekatan Rantai Pasok
Authors: Nurmalina, Rita
Winandi, Ratna
Herdiyansyah, Rikky
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Indonesia is an agricultural country that rich in agricultural resources. Agriculture in Indonesia is divided into five sub-sectors including food crops, plantations, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry where the plantation subsector accounted for the GDP in 2013 amounted to 17.4% (BPS 2014). The development of plantation sub-sector is one option that is quite realistic as strategic business and mainstay in the Indonesian economy with rubber which became one of the State foreign exchange earner. Indonesia rubber export destinations include the United States, Japan, Singapore, and other consumer countries. Rubber plantations in Jambi Province is smallholder rubber plantations cultivated for generations, so that the rubber has become part of the culture and customs of the people of Jambi. Rubber plantations in Jambi has an area of about 588 043 hectares, with 312 925 tons of rubber results involving more than 254 746 farmers. The development of rubber can not be separated from the various problems both from the aspect of production and marketing aspects. As for the problems faced by rubber farmers is the lack of access to price information, the low productivity of rubber, the high proportion of old rubber plantation area, though the marketing of rubber material that has not been efficient, the price is not balanced, the availability of agricultural inputs the farm level is still limited. In other words, it is not enough just to increase rubber’s productivities, but must be followed by refinement or improvement effort in the marketing system. Improvements in marketing carried out with the aim to increase the level of marketing efficiency. Therefore, supply chain required by the manufacturer to obtain a quality product so that consumers are satisfied with the output generated by the plant. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify the channel and functions of marketing agencies smallholder rubber in Tebo regency, identify the supply chain of smallholder rubber in Tebo regency with SCN approach (Supply Chain Network) covers the structure of the supply chain, supply chain business processes, supply chain management, resources power chain, targeting the chain and supply chain performance with margin approach, the farmer's share and ᴨ/C ratio, analyze the impact of the supply chain to the fulfillment of the quality and increase the marketing efficiency of smallholder rubber in Tebo. This research was conducted in the area of smallholder rubber production centers in Tebo starting from December 2014 to February 2015. The location selected purposively based on consideration of Tebo has a rubber auction market (PLK) is active and there is also a rubber processing factory (crumb rubber) as an alternative marketing rubber by farmers. The number of farmers and respondents drawn as many as 80 people. From the research results, marketing systems smallholder rubber in Tebo regency there are four marketing channels. The first marketing channel shall be composed of rubber farmers - village traders - traders districts - wholesalers and rubber factories, the second channel involves rubber farmers - traders village - a rubber factory, a third channel consists of rubber farmers - auction markets rubber - rubber factories, and channels to four consisting of rubber farmers - rubber factory through the Processing and Marketing Unit Bokar with cooperation programs SDO (Sourcing Development Officer). Judging from operational efficiency approach on first channel , second channel and third channel is still not efficient. Unlike the case with fourth channel which has a supply chain, marketing margin generated the lowest, the farmer's share of the most high such that the fourth channel is relatively more efficient than the three channels. So with the implementation of supply chain includes supply chain structures, business processes, supply chain management, supply chain resources, supply chain objectives, supply chain performance on four channels can be concluded that the channel is relatively more efficient than the four who did not have the supply chain.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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