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Title: Analisis Daya Saing dan Perdagangan Produk Ekspor Kelapa Sawit Indonesia di Pasar Internasional
Authors: Nurmalina, Rita
Kusuma, Novan Ariga
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Indonesia is the largest producer of palm oil products in the world, with a production of about 44.46 percent of the total world production. Exports of palm oil products driven from the demand side, namely the growth in world consumption is equal to 3 percent per year. Although the quantity of export of palm oil products showed an increase, but starting in 2011, a change in the composition of exports of Indonesian palm oil products, namely the export of processed products or Refinery Palm Oil (RPO) increased, whereas Crude Palm Oil (CPO) decreased. This happens due to the impact of the progressive establishment of export duty on palm oil products, which began in 2007. The trend of increasing exports of Indonesian palm oil products and increased consumption of palm oil world, demonstrates the potential exports of palm oil products market is still high in the international market. The volume of exports of palm oil products in the international market is determined by the competitiveness of export products of palm oil and other determinants. To that end, the purpose of this study are: (1) analyze the competitiveness and the level of competition Indonesian palm oil export products in the international market and (2) analyze the factors that affect the flow of trade in products of Indonesian palm oil exports as well as the potential for trade in the international market. Secondary data were used in the form of panel data is a merger between the data time series and cross section. The analysis method used in this study were: (1) descriptive analysis, (2) analysis of the competitiveness of the method of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), (3) Spearman rank correlation analysis, (4) analysis of panel data with gravity models, and ( 5) analysis of the ratio of trade potential. Research results indicate that the export product trade Indonesian palm oil in the international market has the highest comparative advantage for CPO (average value of 64.72 RCA) and the lowest for the RPO (average value of 32.37 RCA), although seen from the RCA all products Indonesian palm oil exports show has a comparative advantage. Based on the analysis of competitiveness, Indonesia has a negative correlation with Malaysia's CPO and RPO market. The variables that significantly influence the volume of Indonesian CPO exports include Indonesia's real GDP per capita, real GDP per capita of the country of destination, within the Indonesian economy with the country of destination and the exchange rate against the local currency unit (LCU). While the variables that are not significant to the CPO export volume is a progressive export tax on palm oil products. RPO model, the variables that significantly affect Indonesia's per capita real GDP, real GDP per capita of the country of destination, the rupiah against the LCU, and a progressive export tax. While the variables that are not significant to the export volume RPO is the distance of the Indonesian economy with the country of destination. Indonesian CPO trade potential ratio shows that the trade is still under trade and potentially increase in the future is the China, Netherland, Singapore, Germany and Bangladesh. For RPO trade is China, India, Netherland, Turkey, South Africa and Singapore. Of the three analysis has been done, it can be concluded that Indonesia could increase its market share with a higher priority CPO exports to China, Netherland, Singapore, Germany and Bangladesh. For RPO market share should be increased in China, India, Netherland, Turkey, South Africa and Singapore. This is because these countries growth in real GDP per capita and comparative advantages, as well as Indonesia's trade potential in the country is still potential. For that Indonesia needs to create reciprocal economic cooperation through agreements or international organizations.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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