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Title: Studi Konektivitas Sistem Sosial-Ekologi Lamun dan Perikanan Skala Kecil (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau).
Authors: Adrianto, Luky
Wardiatno, Yusli
Arkham, Muhammad Nur
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Seagrass ecosystem is one of important parts as a constituent of the coastal ecosystem along with mangroves and coral reefs. Seagrass ecosystem services are very various, for exampel as provisioning services, supporting services, regulating services, and cultural services. The utilization of the seagrass in small-scale fisheries is the interaction between the two systems, namely social systems and ecological systems, or it is commonly referred to as social-ecological systems (SES). Understanding the behavior of small-scale fishermen and connectivity patterns of seagrass in the form of direct use as provisioning services of many fisheries resources contributes to the comply the needs of fishermen. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the study on social-ecological system connectivities of seagrass in small-scale fisheries for integrated seagrass management particularly in Bintan regency, Riau Islands. The purpose of this research was to map the social-ecological system connectivities seagrass with small-scale fisheries in a networks perspective the study site, identify social-ecological connectivities of seagrass approach avability of fisheries resources on small-scale fisheries un the study site, and estimate the great benefits of fisheries resources relation to seagrass services in the study site. This study was conducted from 22 September to 22 November 2014 in Malang Rapat and Berakit Villages, Bintan regency, Riau Islands. This research was conducted with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Respondents selected were appointed permanently as much as 15 respondents of fishermen of each village. The data needed were primary and secondary data. The analysis of the network map and distribution of the fishing was done with the program of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) from the results of delineation and interviews. The data of fish caught by fishermen were obtained from the interviews with quisioner instrument and the recorded of catches and sales by the seller, then analyzed fish spesies composition, community structure and descriptive statistics, while ensure type of fisheries resources exploited used the approach of installing Trammel Net and Gill Net. Fishermen income data were obtained from the results of in-depth interviews with questionnaire instrument. The data were then analyzed with an approach of production value, whereas the public perception was analyzed by the frequency distribution. The collection of secondary data was obtained from the study of literature and sources of structural village, district, county, and institutions associated with the research. The results of studies indicated that some fishermen in the village of Berakit and Malang Rapat had taken the advantage of the presence of seagrass in the fulfillment of their needs. The used fishing gear for seagrass in the village included nets, fishing rods, crab traps, and the tidal trap (kelong karang). The connectivity of social-ecological systems of seagrass was very strong with the spatial distribution of fishing areas, network map market, and dynamic of smallscale fishery catches in the study area of the fishery resources in the presence of seagrass ecosystem services. The network map market of the fishery catches was that they were sold to the traders in the village collectors, and then distributed to the merchant collectors in the city. There were a few fishermen from the Berakit village distributing the catches directly to the merchant collectors in the city. The biggest catches of small-scale fisheries in the village of Malang Rapat with net fishing gear were ±16.5 kg / day, while in the Berakit village, the chatches were cuaght by using tidal trap (kelong karang) of ±23.1 kg / day. Some families most dominating the catches in these two villages were Siganidae, Scaridae, Lethrinidae, and Lutjanidae. This showed that seagrass had a high economic function as this type included the target species to support the livelihood of fishermen. The results of the analysis of the income of small-scale fisheries in seagrass on the location of the research showed that the revenue generated by the fishermen in the village of Malang Rapat and Berakit was Rp 202.124,00 /dat dan 193.151,00 /day. These results can illustrate how important the presence of seagrass is; therefore, it can be used as a place to catch small-scale fisheries that can contribute to food security and livelihood of fishermen in the village. The advantage and the benefit of small -scale fisheries of the existence of seagrass aere the ease of access to small -scale fishermen because they do need to buy the fuel because of its close location to the beach. In general, the benefit of seagrass ecosystems functioning as a service provider was that this was used as a place to catch of fish for small -scale fishermen. The presence of social community linkages with the ecosystems makes this the consideration of integrated seagrass management with social-ecological connectivities approach can be done with three aspects approaches, that is: system integration, policy integration, functional integration.
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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