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dc.contributor.advisorHero, Yulius-
dc.contributor.authorHisma, Mike Dwi-
dc.description.abstractThe United States Government and the Indonesian Government have agreed on a treaty to reduce deforestation called Tropical Forest Conservation Action Sumatra (TFCA-Sumatra) program. The development of community forests is one of the activities in the TFCA Sumatra in Bengkulu. Development of community forests is expected to reduce the rate of deforestation. However, the pattern of effective community forest management to be applied in reducing the rate of deforestation in Sumatra was unknown, especially in the TFCA program in Bengkulu. The absence of research or studies focused on the development of community forests in a forest conservation program. Therefore, the aims were to identify development patterns of community forest management in the TFCA Sumatra program in Bengkulu, analyze the revenue contribution, analyze the influential factors of community forest development ini TFCA-Sumatra, and identify community forest institution in the TFCA-Sumatra program in Bengkulu. The study was conducted in the village to implement community forest management and engage the TFCA-Sumatra program in Bengkulu Province. Additionally, implemented in the village built South Bengkulu District Forestry Office. The village, which is Air Sulau Village and Kayu Ajaran Village, South Bengkulu Regency. The respondents selection was conducted by purposive sampling, and the data was collected using observations, interviews, and literature study. The analysis was performed using descriptive-qualitative and quantitative methods for the development patterns of community forest management in the TFCA Sumatra program and the revenue contribution of development pattern of community forest. The analysis of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) used Linear Structural Relationship (LISREL) for the factors that influenced development patterns of community forest in TFCA-Sumatra program. Meanwhile, the stakeholder analysis used for the community forest institution analysis. The research results showed that the development pattern in the community forest in the TFCA program in Bengkulu is a combined cropping pattern with full subsidy. In addition to combined cropping, agroforestry cropping patterns are also being developed by farmers. Developed combined cropping pattern is dominated by types of plants such as rubber (Hevea brasiliensis). Perennials in addition to the rubber, which was developed in farmers' lands are dominated by Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba). By source of funds, community forest development pattern can be divided into community forest with full subsidies, subsidized loans and self-help. The revenue contribution to the efforts to develop community forest is the largest contribution to total income received by farmers in the TFCA-Sumatra program. The largest contribution received by farmers in the management of community forest in three strata with an area less than one hectare. While revenue from trading businesses was the largest net income in non-farm obtained. Sources of community forest farmers' income comes from three sources, namely community forest, non community forest/farming and non farming. The factors that affected significantly the development of community forests in the TFCA-Sumatra program in Bengkulu is factors internal characteristics (level of education, the mastery of rice, dry land tenure and non-farm income) and factors external characteristics (price and policy). Factors internal and external characteristics affect the motivation of farmers in the community forest management in Bengkulu. The motivation of farmers is greatly affects of community forest development TFCA-Sumatra program in Bengkulu. Development of community forest in the TFCA-Sumatra in Bengkulu strongly influenced by factors internal and external characteristics of farmers as well as the motivation of farmers in the management of community forests. The foundation of consortium ulayat, Regency Forest Agency, farmers/farmer groups of community forests, hodge, middlemen, lumberjacks, transportation service businessmen, and village goverment are of great importance and influence in the management of community forests in the TFCA-Sumatra in Bengkulu. Stakeholder group that has a level of influence and high importance is categorized as a key player. In addition there is also a category as actors (provincial forestry office, owners of land outside the village and LIPI) and the crowd (the Department of Agriculture of South Bengkulu, college, Bappeda South Bengkulu and banking).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.subject.ddcForest Managementid
dc.subject.ddcBengkulu Selatanid
dc.titlePengembangan Hutan Rakyat pada Program Tropical Forest Conservation Action Sumatra (TFCA-Sumatra) di Bengkuluid
dc.subject.keywordCommunity forestsid
dc.subject.keywordrevenue contributionid
dc.subject.keyworddevelopment patternid
Appears in Collections:MT - Forestry

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