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Title: Identifikasi potensi obyek wisata serta arahan rencana dan strategi pengembangan kawasan wisata di Kabupaten Siak, Provinsi Riau
Authors: Sitorus, R.P. Santun
Mulya, Setyardi P.
Rahmawati, Jeti
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Siak Regency has a lot of undiscovered potential tourist destination, which generally malay culture, so the goverment’s willing to realize Siak The Truly Malay. The purpose of this research were (1)To identify some objects or areas of the existing tourist destinations and the potential object to be developed as new tourist destination, (2) to know factors affecting the interest of visiting tourists, and (3) to formulate plan direction and development strategy of the tourist area of Siak. The analysis used in research are the scoring system, binary logistic regression, and A’WOT analysis. Existing tourist destinations are Istana Siak, Turap Siak, Makam Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Makam Koto Tinggi, and Zapin Siak.While the tourism objects potential to be developed are Kolam Hijau, Makam Raja Kecik, Balairung Sri, Mesjid Raya Syahbuddin, and Ekowisata Mempura. Affecting Factors the interest of tourists to visit are type of preferred 5 tourist destination and hotel. There are two development plans of tourist areas those are area I with 8 tourism objects and area II with 2 tourism objects. Based on the A’WOT analysis result retrieved development strategies of Siak tourist area are: development plan of tourism packages via partnership of government and public sector, development of other types of tourism based on natural resources potential, government policy support, and easy accessibility, capacity and quality services improvement in preferred tourist sites through improvement of existing infrastructure.
Appears in Collections:UT - Soil Science and Land Resources

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