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Title: Dampak Peningkatan Investasi di Sektor Pertanian dan Agroindustri terhadap Distribusi Pendapatan dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja
Authors: Rindayati, Wiwiek
Meidianty, Annisa
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Agricultural industrialization is important for Indonesian economy, because it can increase value-added and market size of agricultural products . An increased investment in agriculture and agroindustry sector can play a part in achieving the goal of agricultural industrialization which is improving income distribution and increasing labor absorption . The objectives of this study are to analyze the role of agricultural and agroindustry sector in Indonesian economy and to analyze the impact of the increased investment in agricultural and agroindustry sector on income distribution and labor absorption using Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) approach. The result of this study shows that agriculture and agroindustry sector have important role on Indonesian economy. It also shows that increased investment in agriculture and agroindustry sector will have greater impact in improving income distribution and increasing labor absorption compared to the increased investment in agroindustry sector only
Appears in Collections:UT - Economics and Development Studies

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