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Authors: Robbani, Abdi Robbi
C. Sumantri
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: This research aimed is to study the characteristics of body size and qualitative traits of buffalo in Bogor Regency. Location of study was based on the density of buffalo population. Information is obtained from the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) located at Warung Borong Ciampea. Sampling was purposive sampling method. Data collection technique used observation and questionnaire methods. Primary data sourced from a breeder who was elected the form of quantitative data and qualitative trait, while the secondary data obtained from various related agencies to research including the village monograph data. The buffaloes were used as many as 238 head from 4 district, Cibungbulang (54 hd), Pamijahan (40 hd), bear (79 hd) and Sukajaya (65 hd). Measured parameters consisted of a shoulder, hip height, hip width, body length, chest circumference, chest depth and chest width. Body size data were analyzed by t-test analysis and qualitative data were analyzed with descriptive analysis. In general, female buffalo in District Cibungbulang, Pamijahan, Nanggung and Sukajaya have a greater tendency than males Characteristics of the qualitative trait were form a circular horn to the back (95.8%), body color dark gray (70,8%), albino (1.8%), color white dominant foot (76,2), whorl position dominant in the head (86.3%) and the double chevron (100%).
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