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Title: Karakterisasi dan Bioaksesibilitas Mikroenkapsulasi Zat Besi pada Formulasi Bahan Penyalut
Authors: Edy Djauhari PK
Pratama, Denny Yoga
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The low availability of iron in the body due to the interaction of iron with inhibiting components in food and human body. Microencapsulation proses a potential to solve that problem by protecting iron (Fe) from the environment. This research was aimed to study the characteristics of iron microencapsulate made from various materials and different ratios, and to obtain bioaccessibility value of encapsulated iron. Iron (Fe) microencapsulation was performed by spray drying technique with three mixing variation of coating agent which were maltodekstringum arabic, maltodekstrin-whey protein, and gum arabic-whey protein. Every mixing variation of coating agent was made in three different ratio, which were 60:40, 70:30, and 80:20. Iron content was measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Iron (Fe) microencapsulate has a moisture content from 3.47-6.91 %, particle size from 14-44 μm, viscosity from 21-51 cP, and recovery Fe from 43.17-103.88 %. The highest iron(Fe) microencapsulate’s bioaccessibility was obtained from microencapsulate with coating agent maltodextrin-gum arabic 60:40 whose recovery rate was 11.2 %.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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