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Title: Klasifikasi Sel Kanker Rahim Berdasarkan Intensitas Cahaya Tampak dan Inframerah Dekat dengan Analisis Diskriminan
Authors: Heryanto, Rudi
Tedjo, Aryo
Sofian, Al-Hasna
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Early detection of cervical cancer will provide greater opportunities to recovery. Diagnostic tools can fasten the early detection process. This study used a photometer with red and blue light emitting diode as the visible (Vis) light source and infared lamp as the near infrared (NIR) light source, as the diagnostic tools of Cervical Interepithel Neoplasial (CIN). Vis to NIR signal ratio was used to distinguish between normal cells and 3 stadia of cancer cells by using discriminant analysis. The results showed that the intensity ratio of Vis to NIR in normal cells were lower than that in cancer cells. The discriminant analysis resulted 2 functions that can be used to classify 3 stadia of CIN cancer cells and distinguish them from normal cells.
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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