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Title: Rye (Secale cereale L.) and Wheat (Triticuni aestivuni L.) Simple Sequence Repeat Variation within Secale spp. (Poaceae)
Authors: Chikmawati, Tatik
Gustafson, J. Perry
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Indonesian Society for Biology and Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University
Series/Report no.: Vol. 20 No. 4 December 2013;
Abstract: Transferability of25 rye and 20 wheat simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were examined acrossSecale spp. to elucidate their genetic relationships. One hundred percent of rye and 75% of wheat SSR markers could be amplified in weedy and wild forms of Secale. However, only 84°/o of rye SSR markers were amplified in S. sylvestre indicating that this species had the furthest relation to the cultivated rye. The PCR products resulting from rye SSR tended to have similar size as the original size, while wheat SSRs tended to have a shorter size than that of the origjnal size. Polymorphism in the allelic number and size was found in 68o/e of the rye and 40 °/e of the wheat SSR markers. Several alleles were unique for the annual and perennial rye taxa, which were counted for 22 and ls•;.., respecth ely. Some SSR markers also produced specific alleles that could be ustd to identify certain taxa. The genetic relationships within the genus Secale based on SSR markers were discussed.
ISSN: 1978-3019
Appears in Collections:Hayati Journal of Biosciences

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