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Title: Design of Web-Based Information System with Green House Gas Analysis for Palm Oil Biodiesel Agroindustry
Authors: Arkeman, Yandra
Adityo Utomo, Hafizd
Satria Wibawa, Dhani
Issue Date: Aug-2015
Publisher: Department of Agroindustrial Technology Bogor Agricultural University Bogor, Indonesia
Abstract: The scarcity of fuel is one of the serious problems in Indonesia because it can disturb people daily activities. One way to prevent the increasing fuel usage is by providing information about biodiesel as an alternative energy source. This information is served in the form of web base information for palm oil biodiesel agroindustry with Green House Gas (GHG) analytical module. This research is aimed at providing information about data production and area of oil palm plantation, data production of biodiesel and GHG analysis module to perceive GHG emission. This information system has some main features including graph of data production, area of oil palm plantation, biodiesel data production, page editor, and shown results of GHG analysis. Using this information system, it can be decided whether an area has a high GHG emission or not. This system, therefore, can be used as a region reference for emission reduction.
ISBN: 978-1-4673-7404-0
Appears in Collections:Agroindustrial Technology

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