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Title: Anausis Diameter Biopelet Sekam Padi Terhadap Efisiensi Energi Bahan Bakar
Authors: Masitoh
Kurniati, Mersi
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Biopelet is a solid fuel biomass density and uniformity better measure of biomass Variables that affect the perfection of combustion are particle size and characteristics of material. The purpose of this research was to compare the fuel efficiency of the rice husks biopelet , analyze the influence of the diameter biopelet , and reduce pollutant emissions of fuel combustion using FTIR and SEM analysis . Rice husks biopelet diameter of 4 mm has a greater efficiency is 16.9 % • while 12.5 % of diameter of 5 mm and a diameter of 16 mm is 8.64 % . Rice husk biopelet based fuel in the process of boiling water 0.5 L of water produces greater efficiency from rice husk, because biopelet has a density of 1 :21 and the average calorific value of 689. 7 cal I hour higher compared rice husk which has a density of 0:11 and calorific value cal 518 / hour so bioplet produce high temperature coal and durable . FTIR spectra and SEM results showed that rice husk has fewer volatile matter • which means that the process of rice husk fuel combustion produces more emissions of pollutants in the air which is not good for health.
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