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Title: Sintesis Dan Uji Sitotoksik In Vitro Senyawa 2- Hidroksinikotinil Serin Metil Oktanoil Ester dan 2- Hidroksinikotinil Oktilamida Terhadap Sel Kanker
Authors: Hariyanti
Achmadi, Suminar S.
Hanafi, Muhammad
Issue Date: 2010
Series/Report no.: Vol. 7 No. 4;
Abstract: The novel compounds of 2-hydroxynicotinyl serine methyl octanoyl ester (NSMOE) and 2-hydroxynicotinyl octylamide (NOA) were synthesized by modifying of the UK-34 known a compound biologically active to inhibit bacterial and cancer cells growth Syntheses of these two compounds were carried.....
ISSN: 1412-2855
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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