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dc.contributor.advisorDaryanto, Heny K.
dc.contributor.authorNingsih, Rahmi Yuniarti
dc.description.abstractSiam’s catfish is potential commodity which can develop in Indonesia. This commodity has been developed by Pasir Gaok Fish Farm (PGFF). PGFF faces the production risk as indicated by the production fluctuation and enhancement of catfish seed mortality. The purpose of this study are to identify the sources of production risk, analyze the probability, impact of risks, and alternative strategies. The data was analyzed with descriptive analysis, z-score analysis, and analysis of Value at Risk (VaR). The results showed that prodution risks of siam’s catfish in PGFF are cannibalism, diseases, water quality, and human error. Probability value of each highest risk source consist of cannibalism, diseases, water quality, and human error. The impact of the each highest production risk arerisk of disease, cannibalism, water quality, and human error. Based on the probability and impact of risk, prevention strategies needed to be implemented to solve the risk of cannibalism and disease with giving fresh natural food according to the needs of fish and right time.en
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcCatfish hatcheryen
dc.titleAnalisis Sumber Sumber Risiko Produksi Pembenihan Ikan Patin Siam pada Pasir Gaok Fish Farm di Kabupaten Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordvalue at risken
dc.subject.keywordsiam catfishen
dc.subject.keywordproduction risken
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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