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Title: Analisis kepuasan konsumen terhadap produk dan pelayanan rumah makan Pecel Lele Lela Bogor
Authors: Tinaprilla, Netti
Farreza, Ocky
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Restaurant is a general term to refer to the gastronomic venture that serves the community and provides a place to enjoy the dish and set specific rates for food and service. In this case one of the restaurant which is a franchise business or franchise that serves catfish is Pecel Lela Restaurant located in the office Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Bogor. During provide culinary services restaurant fluctuated number of visitors who often makes its own concerns for managers both in extending its franchise license or in other decisions. Responding to the manager really needs to consider anticipatory measures by way of diagnosing directly through customer satisfaction surveys that need to be made to the minimum community begins with a study of consumers who came to then take a decision at a later stage. Based on the analysis conducted on 60 respondents (consumers) are Pecel Lela Restaurant serving food should speed up the time ordered by the consumer, serves favored or preferred by consumers so they can refer to friends or family, and the promotion of Restaurant Pecel Lele Lela itself.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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