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Title: Genetic Programming for Medicinal Plant Family Identification System
Authors: Laksmana, Indra
Herdiyeni, Yeni
Zubud, Ervizal A.M.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: !TB Journal Publlsher
Series/Report no.: Vol. 7,;No. 3, December 2013
Abstract: lnfonnation about medicinal plants that is available in text documents is generally quite easy to access, however, one needs some efforts to use it. This research was aimed at utilizing crucial infonnation taken from a text document to identify the family of several species of medicinal plants using a heuristic approach, i.e. genetic programming. Each of the species has its unique features. The genetic program puts the characteristics or special features of each family into a tree fonn. There arc a number of processes involved in the investigated method, i.e. data acquisition, booleanization, grouping of training and test data, evaluation, and analysis. The genetic program uses a training process to select the best individual, initializes a generate-rule process to create several individuals and then executes a fitness C\'aluation. The next procedure is a genetic operation process, which consists of tournament selection to choose the best individual based on a fitness value, the crossover operation and the mutation operation. These operations have the purpose of complementing the individual. The best individual acquired is the expected solution, which is a rule for classifying medicinal plants. This process produced three rules, one for each plant family. displaying a feature structure that distinguishes each of the families from each other. The genetic program then used these rules to identify the medicinal plants, achieving an a\'crage accuracy of 86 . .i7%.
ISSN: 2337-5787
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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