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Title: Analisis Kelembagaan dan Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja Kluster Komoditas Kentang Kabupaten Wonosobo
Authors: Kartika, Lindawati
Maryam, Hana Novita
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Asean economic community (AEC) 2015 provide opportunities and new challenges have to faced in agricultural development . Goals of this research are: analizing the alternatif and dominant supply chain, human resources of agricultural institutions and formulate the strategy for perfomance improvement potatos comodity in this area. Data analyzed by Descriptif analysis of supply chain, institutional, TOWS Analysis Strategi, and Key Perfomance Indicator based Pairwise Comparison method. The result of this study: There are 12 keys performances indicators with three priority indicators to improve perfomance of potatos: a) Enhancement the number of active farmers group as the first priority b) Enhancement the number of micro financial agribusiness institution as the second c) Enhancement amount of annual potato production as the third. There are strategy for perfomance improvement of potatos comodity based on priority indicator: 1) Increasing farmers beginner’s interest to join farmers group, 2) Improving the capacity of farmers through joint active farmer groups in improving innovation and perfomance of agricultural products, 3) Strengthen institutional farmers in managing LKMA, 4) Increasing productivity through agricultural intensification.
Appears in Collections:UT - Management

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