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Title: Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Asparagus (Asparagus Officionalis) di Kelompok Tani Al'istiqomah Kecamatan Ciwidey Kabupaten Bandung
Authors: Nurmalina, Rita
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Asparagus (Asparagus Officionalis) di Kelompok Tani Al'istiqomah Kecamatan Ciwidey Kabupaten Bandung
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Asparagus is a subtropical plant that can be cultivated in the highlands of Indonesia, such as Bandung Ciwidey that have the necessary conditions to grow asparagus. The first farmer groups that cultivates asparagus in District Ciwidey is Al’istiqomah Farmer Group. This group is the first farmer group who became a pioneer in commercializing asparagus. Expensive seedling price is one of the obstacle that the farmers group faces in cultivating these plants, that have a technical life of 5 years. The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of Farmers Group Al’istiqomah in the non-financial and financial aspects. In ii addition, this study also analyzes the sensitivity to changes in operating conditions using a switching value. The results of the research will show that not all the criteria on financial and non-financial aspects can be feasible. Analyses were performed with two scenarios, the first scenario is the actual condition of the business and the second scenario is the condition of the development work done by adding greenhouse s in the field. In scenario I, the NPV obtained was 7 182 684.85, the value of the Net B / C is 1.17, the IRR value was 12% to a 7% discount rate and the payback period for scenario I is 4.48 years. In scenario II, the NPV obtained 26 012 781.22, the value of the Net B / C is 1.51, the IRR value was 24% at a discount of 7% and the payback period is 4.0 years. These two scenarios are feasible by the farmer groups. A risk analysis on several inflow and outflow components was conducted in these two scenarios. The components that have a high degree of sensitivity to change is the decline of production in the first scenario with the value of 10.22% and also in the second scenario with the value of 26.41%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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