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Title: Analisis Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap terhadap Nelayan Kota Semarang: Perspektif Ekonomi Politik
Authors: Damanhuri, Didin S
Roisy, Candri Yuniar
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The orientation of development on the fisheries sector is increasing national production through the modernization with a capitalization that it would open the risks of poverty for the fishermen. This research aims to analyse capture fisheries policy of Semarang City and its impact on fishermen and identify whether or not the symptoms of compradorization of capture fisheries in Semarang City. This research method used qualitative and quantitative approaches using primary and secondary data. The quantitative approach using analysis of unequal distribution income, while a qualitative approach using indepth interview with analysis of political economy and analysis of compradorization symptoms. The result of this research shows that there are disparities in the distribution income of respondents in the average category due to policies that did not extend to the fisherman community. Compradorization symptoms are found on the capital inflow of marketing system with the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Semarang City as the comprador class.
Appears in Collections:UT - Economics and Development Studies

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