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Title: Kajian Klasifikasi Usahatani Ubi Jalar pada Petani Kecil Berdasarkan UU No.20 Tahun 2008, (Studi Kasus di Desa Cikarawang, Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogar, Provinsi Jawa Barat)
Authors: Suhamo
Ilmii, Ahmad Hilman Dzul
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Sweet potato has potential as a diversified source of high carbohydrate food, can be used as a food chart, pakanm and industrial raw materials. Reviewing the size of the business in commodity sweet potatoes in pespektif SMEs considered important, sweet potato farming in the perspective of SMEs is measured by net worth and the value of revenues per year, but in the measurement of economic studies of a business can be calculated based on the performance of its business. By using the performance measures the government is much easier to classify a business in specific groups according essence helps policies potentially weak. So to know the circumstances of this research attempts to review the actual conditions experienced sweet potato farming on small farmers as one economic agent in Indonesia. Selection of study sites and respondents were purposively. The required data are the primary data and secondary data, and then analyzed quantitatively using microsoft office exel and the results were analyzed qualitatively. analysis shows the performance of farms in the "small farmers" with an average land area of 0:21 ha penelitain location, shows that farming is done "small farmers" is a productive business with the R / C 1.34 against cash cost or value of R / C 1:10 of the total costs and benefits with cash receipts amounted to USD 2 384 578.34 per year or total revenues of Rp 769 262.95 per year. And in the perspective of SMEs klasifiaksi net sales and net assets for the year in the small farmers of the research included in the scale "micro-enterprises". Microenterprises have a great amount of effort, but it has a weak economic structure in which a low value product, which is not a legal form of business, and education level were rendah.Maka businesses to achieve the essence of policies that help those who are structurally weak, the government needs to review back perspective of classification MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) in Article 6 of Law No. 20 of 2008 in order to adapt to the actual conditions, or existing definitions can be added into UGMKM (landless Enterprises, Micro, Small and medium enterprises).
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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