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Title: Kontinuitas Ketersediaan Bahan Baku Industri Pengolahan Kayu Rakyat (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Leuwisadeng dan Nanggung Kabupaten Bogor)
Authors: Hardjanto
Medinawati, Mentari
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The development of private forest in Indonesia encourages entrepreneurs to develop timber processing business such as sawmill, including in Bogor Regency. Case study in Leuwisadeng and Nanggung Sub-District showed private owned timber processing industries are generally classified into a small industry that often having financial difficulty to buy raw materials. This resulted the industry cannot operate for several months in a year. The increasing demand of sawn timber has made industries to fulfill needs of raw material which is obtained not only from private forest around, but also from other areas outside Bogor Regency. For the next two years, private forest in Leuwisadeng and Nanggung Sub-District is unable to fulfill needs of industrial raw materials so that the industry still had to supply raw materials from other areas in order to continue the production of sawn timber.
Appears in Collections:UT - Forest Management

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