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dc.contributor.authorTaris, M. L.
dc.contributor.authorWidodo, W. D.
dc.contributor.authorSuketi, K.
dc.description.abstractPapaya is one of the climacteric fruit that has a short shelf life, but it has a high potential as a source of vitamins and minerals. This research aims to study the maturity criteria postharvest ripeness of Callina IPB papaya fruit of several harvesting age and to determine the best harvesting age for postharvest handling in order to extend the shelf life. The experiment was conducted at the experimental station of Research Center for Tropical Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural Institute (PKHT IPB) Tajur, Bogor and Postharvest Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University in February to July 2014. Experiment consisted of 4 treatments: 115, 120, 125 and 130 days after anthesis (HSA) with 3 replications. The longest shelf life for papaya IPB Callina obtained at harvesting age 115 HSA (2010.060C day) with the shelf life is 8 days. Harvesting age 120 HSA (2102.130C day) is the best harvesting age for treatment that make longer shelf life because of the chemical quality that contained is good with the shelf life is 7 days. The old papaya fruits reach maturity faster than the younger papaya fruit. Young papaya has a lower respiration rate than the old papaya. Harvesting age does not affect the physical quality but affect the chemical quality of papaya fruit at the same postharvest maturity level.en
dc.titleKriteria Kematangan Pascapanen Buah Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) IPB Callina dari Beberapa Umur Panenen
dc.subject.keywordchemical qualityen
dc.subject.keywordphysical qualityen
dc.subject.keywordshelf lifeen
Appears in Collections:Agronomy and Horticulture

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