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Title: Aplikasi Boron dan Agno3 untuk Meningkatkan Produksi dan Viabilitas Serbuk Sari Melon Hibrida IPB
Authors: Wahyuni, W.
Palupi, E. R.
Suketi, K
Issue Date: 11-Jun-2015
Abstract: One of the major problems in melon hybrid seed production is the low production and viability of pollen.The research was aimed to increase production and viability of IPB hybrid melon pollen by application of boron and AgNO3. The research was conducted at Pasir Kuda Research Station and Seed Biology and Biophysics Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University from June till October 2013. The research was arranged in a randomized block design with two factors, i.e. dosage of boron 0, 1, 2, 3 kg ha-1 and AgNO3 concentration 0, 200, 400 ppm. The treatment was replicated six times. Boron was application three times on 2, 5 and 8 week after planting (WAP) and AgNO3 on 10 and 20 day after planting (DAP). M21 and M13, two male parent of IPB hybrid melon was used in this research. The result showed that M21 flowered earlier (16 DAP) than M13 (24 DAP). Pollen viability of M21 was about 58.86% and M13 was 63.32%. Application of boron and AgNO3 did not increase the number of male flower produced by both male parents. Boron at 2 kg ha-1 increased pollen production of M21up to 1785.9 pollen grain per anther, whereas in M13pollen production up to 1350.4 pollen grain per anther was obtained from boron at 1 kg ha-1. This result then was used to develop pollen management procedure in hybrid seed production.
ISBN: 978-979-508-017-6
Appears in Collections:Agronomy and Horticulture

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