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Title: Studi Analisis Perilaku Keteritorialan Sebagai Potensi Vitality Desa Kamasan Klungkung Bali
Authors: Munandar, Aris
Asokawati, Okky Ayu
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Indonesia is a country rich in art. One is the typical art craft in Kamasan. This crafts are still maintained until today. Craft create a culture and traditions that influence the territoriality behaviour and basic human needs. This study aimed to obtain information about the territoriality behaviour, territorial functions, basic human needs, culture and traditions, and community activities. The information obtained is used to analyze the potential vitality. Vitality potentials are used for spatial planning recommendation as landscape maintenance. The research was conducted from May to Agusutus 2014. The analytical method that used are descriptive analysis, comparative analysis and analysis of mental map. The results of the analysis indicate that Kamasan village has the potential vitality in the form of existence According to the research, territoriality behaviour (Lang 1987), the territoriality function (Portoeus 1977) and the fulfillment of basic human needs (Maslow 1954) which still can be found quite easily. Typical spatial concept that is still exist, affect the legibility value of mental map is high. Kamasan village as rural artisans has its own potential to be used in addition and to the people themselves think that the existence of the art shops and art galleries have historical value and economic value that needs to be maintained but endangered. So as to continue to maintain the village of Kamasan as rural artisans and to retain other locations recommended form of tourist tract with the concept of "Wisata Kerajinan". Site location which close to the city center is also an advantage as tourist area. Visitors can walk along the path through the rows of the art shops. Besides being able to increase local revenue since the Bali bombing incident, it is also able to keep the existence of the structure of the landscape.
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